Deputies Attend S.T.O.R.M Class

March 14, 2012

Wayne County Sheriff's Department Deputies Jamey Beard and Jonathan Platt attended the following school on march 6-8 in petal mississippi. The field sobriety school was hosted by the law enforcement liaison’s office and the petal police department.


S.T.O.R.M was founded in may 1996 to increase cooperation among law enforcement officers concerned with combating mississippi’s most serious highway saftey problem,impaired driving. the association’s main objective is to gain the latest infomation on techniques of detecting and apprehending impaired drivers and using current technology in the field.


The organization of more than 1,300 officers is aimed at reducing death and injuries on mississippi’s roadways by decreasing the involvement of alcoholic beverages and other substances in motor vehicle crashes and increasing the use of vehicle safety belts and child protective devices.


The course consisted of 24 hours of C.E.U’s and is substantial body information relevant to the entire dui detection process,including the organization, presentation an articulation of the evidence gleaned from that process. It also presents supportive information to bolster the student’s awareness of the importance of effective dui enforcement.